Obsidian portal
With the new campaign in full swing I ran into a problem; I wanted a way of giving the group background information on the world and also a way to keep track of their adventures.
My other group has a campaign Wiki powered by Media Wiki. I gave a lot of thought into setting one up for the group but the more I read the more I realised I didn’t have the knowledge, hosting or wherewithal to set one up. So on the urging of a fellow gamer I decided to try Obsidian portal which promised to perform all the campaign functions I desired.
Once I got started with Obsidian portal I saw the potential for it. All the hard work is done for you as there are several predetermined categories; Wiki, adventure log, characters.
Using these categories its easy to input the information you want and there are places to record GM only information so you can keep private notes.
The character tab deserves a special mention as there are several popular games systems available and the digital sheets look very nice. I was pleasantly suprised to find that the All Flesh Must Be Eaten template also calculates life points and essence points.
If you’re looking for a collaborative Wiki site to store your campaign information its worth a look. You can get a basic account for free, paid accounts get you a forum for your campaign, more space to store maps and the ability to make your campaign hidden or friends only.
You can find the link to Obsidian portal here: