December 18

Designers & Dragons

Last August I backed a successful Kickstarter for a series of books called  Designers & Dragons, a four volume set detailing the history of the tabletop gaming industry.  So why am I bothering to mention a four month old completed Kicstarter?

Because I was able to furnish the author with scans of books he was after and when I got to the ’90s book I saw my name listed among the people who scanned their books for him to use.  So if you have a copy of the book, find page 381 and you can see my name in Appendix II.

Besides blowing my own trumpet for a few moments, the books are very well written and take a different approach than say the academic route taken by Playing at the World, another excellent read but it can be heavy going in places.

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Posted December 18, 2014 by GeneralTangent in category "RPG

About the Author

I've been gaming on and off since about 1989 and during that period have played with numerous game systems. I'm fluent in a few, have a basic understanding of quite a few more and can get by in others. Somewhere along the way I found time to be a playtester, contribute to an unpublished game supplement and be associated with another gaming magazine written by far more talented people than I. This lead to one infamous article being written in which I followed the letter of the adventure and torched the parties river barge. I'm also listed on as a game designer.

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