Catalogue update #7
After some more wrangling with Calibre and Book Collector I have managed to come to working arrangement; rather than trying to follow the advice given to me by the Book Collector technical support team I’m having much more success using Calibre’s create a catalogue file of my selected gaming eBooks as a csv file and then importing that into Book Collector.
I have taken the steps of exporting my library as a .mobi file which I sent to my Kindle and this has far more information than I could get into Book Collector without spending a serious amount of time making it work. Using Calibre’s tag function you can create quite the hyperlinked and cross referenced document.
With any luck this will be my final entry on sorting my catalogue out and making it available to my players.
It’s also worth mentioning that adding the Search The Internet and Goodreads plug-ins are worth adding to Calibre as well to expand the meta-data search functionality.
Kickstarter – Aventyr Bestiary for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Happy Birthday Gary Gygax
Today is the birthday of Gary Gygax, regarded by some as the father of gaming and I do respect what he did for the hobby. Some of his work is excellent AD&D for example, other examples less so like Cyborg Commando.
Without his effort and prolific writing I wonder how long it would have taken for the hobby to emerge?
If you want a good read about how the gaming industry when he was a creative powerhouse, then I would suggest you grab a copy of Designers & Dragons and see the influence he had.
Kickstarter – The Daring Comics RPG (Powered by FATE)
Kickstarter – Starvation Cheap: Planetary Warfare for Stars Without Number
When I was doing my run down of Top Ten of games I gave Stars Without Number an honourable mention; now the author is doing another Kickstarter, Starvation Cheap: Planetary Warfare for Stars Without Number:
A sandbox military campaign supplement for the free Stars Without Number sci-fi RPG.
All the books I have so far I have found very good and well worth the investment.
Catalogue update #6
It has been a while since I wrote about my struggle to catalogue my gaming pdfs mainly because for each breakthrough I make, another two setbacks present themselves.
I found a useful plug-in for Calibre that is able to extract the ISBN from an ebook and then I have been trying to use the Download Meta-data function look the information up on a number of book sites.
Where I’m having problems is the ISBN can often refer to another book as either the publisher has entered the wrong one or recycled an old one.
The latest struggle has come about in trying to export from Calibre into Book Collector, something that isn’t easy to do as all Book Collector wants to do is use ISBN, Publisher and Author and not the other summary data.
So I find myself stuck again, not quite at square one but getting closer to it; I suspect I need to roll a 6 to get the game started again.
Why am I bothering?
I’m doing this so I can share my gaming collection with my friends so they have an idea of books in my library using Book Collector’s cloud library and also to take advantage of Book Collector’s loan facility something that Calibre doesn’t have. If I wasn’t going to use either of these functions I would have kept everything in Calibre and managed it that way.