#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 14: Favourite RPG Accessory
Over the years I’ve bought lots of gaming accessories to try out, be they; dice trays, dice, dice towers, dice cups and all sorts of dice to boot.
I remember the first accessory I wanted to get hold of was in the pages of Dragon magazine; Dragonbone Electronic Dice . To have something like this in your hand and be able to roll as many dice as you needed without having to lose them seemed like a marvel of the electronic age. The problem was that by the time I got the issue of Dragon some five years had passed and I wasn’t sure if the company was still in business so I gave it a miss.
The second item I lusted after was an all purpose GM screen, something where I could determine what charts and tables were facing me and something I could use for a variety of games that lacked an official screen.
I did manage to get two or three that fulfilled the criteria for a universal screen. The first one I bought was made by the now defunct Citizen Games, it was a quad panel affair and really did the trick, the downside was that it was a portrait orientation which means you have to stare up and over it to look at the players. The next one I bought was the Savage Worlds screen which is only three panels but is in my preferred landscape orientation but only has three panels. The number of panels may be seen as irrelevant but having an extra sheet of useful charts does stop me from reaching for a book to reference. There is one more screen to consider though and that is the self proclaimed The World’s Greatest Screen from Hammerdog Games, a four panel screen in either portrait or landscape orientation.