November 10

Kickstarter – Cthulhu Wars : Onslaught Two

The Great Old Ones have returned to claim the ruins of Earth, and you are one of them! Cthulhu Wars is a competitive strategy game in which 2 to 8 players face-off to determine the fate of the planet. You’ll recruit cultists and summon monsters, cast spells, open interdimensional gates, and awaken your Great Old One!

Now this looks like a pretty cool Kickstarter that I would love to back it but it’s a bit too expensive for me and I don’t know if I’d get to play it with my current group, so I’m going to hold off on this project.


October 8

Kickstarter – DRAGONLOCK™ 28mm Scale Dungeon Gaming Terrain

Many years ago at GenConUK I remember seeing a set of dungeon furniture and scenery sets cast in resin and I fell in love with them.  What I couldn’t justify was the cost for a starter set as they were and still are very expensive items to have.

Enter Fat Dragon Games who have so far made all sorts of interesting terrain sets using print at home templates and slightly thicker paper in your printer so you can print as much as you like.

Now they have gone the extra step and are producing a Kickstarter so that you can print your own 3d terrain with a 3d printer!

I would so love to back this project but the lack of a 3d printer is what is preventing me from doing so.


April 4

Kickstarter – Sector Commander: WWII

Back an exciting card driven WWII strategy game that plays like a wargame, card game and a board game all in one! For 2 or more players

This looks like it may break the mould in tabletop wargaming, it could be worth a punt if you like this sort of thing.  Since tabletop wargaming brings out the worst side of me, I won’t be backing this one I’m afraid and when I say worst side, I mean the really competitive part of me that hates to lose 🙂


February 24

Kickstarter – Laser Etched Miniatures for Table Top Games and RPGs

One thing I have always liked when playing games is to have a physical representation of a character and the monsters on the board.  I guess this stems from the ill fated Cyborg Commando game where my perception of things didn’t match the players perception of the situation.

Even though I do love miniatures I’m a terrible painter and I just don’t have the skill or patience to do them justice.  Playing online is a different matter as I can make use of tokens and I discussed that in this post.

Which brings me to this Kickstarter by Daft Concepts: Laser Etched Miniatures for Table Top Games and RPGs .

These sets of laser cut, laser etched, wooden miniatures are the perfect blend of detail and affordability.

The images they have certainly look good and the bases have a slot into which status tokens can be inserted.  What puts me off is the shipping costs, so perhaps I’ll stick with my current method of play, paper tokens stuck to coins so they don’t blow away.  🙂

The funding period ends on the 10th of March, so you have time to decide if they’re right for you.