May 21

30 Day D&D Challenge – Day 26

Favourite Nonmagic item.

Is the ten foot pole. I know it’s a bit of a cliché but the pole has plenty of uses and deserves to be part of the humble adventures tool-kit; how could you not marvel at the versatility of this wonder of nature and it’s almost free to own.

Category: fantasy, RPG | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 19

30 Day D&D Challenge – Day 24

Favourite Energy Type

Would have to be Fire. Yes you could blow things apart with sonic blasts but you can’t beat a good old-fashioned flaming conflagration of death. Hmmm what with me mentioned red dragons, I hope you don’t take me for some sort of arsonist 🙂

This ones certainly from the newer 3e version of the game, as the earlier editions of the game never really defined engender types.


Category: fantasy, RPG | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 17

30 Day D&D Challenge – Day 22

Favourite Monster Overall

As each edition of D&D has appeared, the overall number of monsters has increased and when D&D 3e was released the Open Gaming Licence gave game designers the chance to release bestiaries of their own making the task of trying to pick a favourite monster harder to do.

The one creature that does stand out and is my overall favourite is the bizzare Owlbear.  An unholy fusion of an owl and a bear which was probably created by an intoxicated wizard.

Category: fantasy, RPG | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 16

30 Day D&D Challenge – Day 21

Favourite Dragon Colour / Type

Without a doubt the Red Dragon is my favourite, not just for the fire-breathing but the attitude to go with it.

It was a pity I never got to run the old adventure Dragon Mountain as it combines dragons and kobolds in one deadly combination.

Category: fantasy, RPG | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 15

30 Day D&D Challenge – Day 20

Favourite Monster (Humanoid  / Natural / Fey)

Is the humble Kobold.  Even though the cute little creatures have changed from being dog like to descendants of dragons, I have a soft spot for them.

I once created a kobold adversary who used darts as his principal weapon and was capable of doing quite a lot of damage in a short space of time.

I think my eyes were opened when I read all about Tucker’s kobolds in Dragon magazine 127.

Category: fantasy, RPG | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 13

30 Day D&D Challenge – Day 18

Favourite Monster (Immortal / Outsider)

I’ve never really got around to using these creatures in a game but if I had to pick one then the Rakshasa would have to fit the bill.  A spell using creature that can pass as human without too close an inspection.

Category: fantasy, RPG | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 11

30 Day D&D Challenge – Day 16

Favourite Monster (Abberation)

Of all the aberration creature types my favourite is the Illithid or Mind Flayer.  A fantastically evil race that has so much potential to be a master villain.

My second favourite is the Mimic, a creature that likes to disguise itself as a chest.

Category: fantasy, RPG | LEAVE A COMMENT