The Agency

Looks like I made a gaffe when I posted the link to Matt Machell’s page yesterday, his gaming page can be found here: , the page I linked to yesterday went to his web developer page.
Looks like I made a gaffe when I posted the link to Matt Machell’s page yesterday, his gaming page can be found here: , the page I linked to yesterday went to his web developer page.
Thanks to the deals offered by Bundle of Holding I’ve bought several games in the last twelve months, so trying to pick a favourite is going to be tricky and the whole point of this challenge is to select one game from my collection.
Recently I’ve been toying with the idea of playing a 60s campaign after the fun I had with the supers game I did a few years back.
One of the bundles yielded me this gem
A roleplaying game of sixties spies
and the supernatural
by Matt Machell
It’s a wonderful example of design, simple and keeps the action flowing which is the sort of thing I’m favouring these days.
There was another game I wanted to pick but it falls outside the remit of the challenge, perhaps another day?
Link to Matt’s homepage: