International GM’s Day March Fo(u)rth for GM’s Day! 2016 edition

It’s that time of year again when we gather to celebrate those hard working members of the gaming community the gamesmaster 🙂
If you haven’t come across this event before, there is a website dedicated to it and you can find it here:
I also took part in it last year, my old post can be found here.
In honour of the event I’m going to get behind the screen and make use of one of the Kickstarters I backed; Space 1899.

RPG Blog Carnival March 2015 – Best GM Ever

The subject of this months Blog Carnival is Best GM Ever and is being hosted by Creative Mountain Games
Over the years I’ve only played with a handful of gamesmasters, some of whom have been very good while one or two I haven’t got along with as we have very different ideas and playing styles. I would like to think of myself as a good gm and that is something one of my players was telling me after each session; his feedback was really good and I’ll admit is was something of an ego boost for me.
So it is hard for me to pick out one specific GM and say they are the best overall since each have had their own unique ways of doing things. One of my friends managed to create such a spellbinding atmosphere, it was almost like being hypnotised and we were rudely snapped out of this state when a door in his house suddenly slammed shut; I don’t mind admitting that I jumped out of my seat when that happened!
During the Cyberpunk Night City Blues campaign there was one particular session that really sticks out as I managed to weave two or three sub-plots into a scenario along with the main plot for them to discover and I received some very positive feedback about that.
When it comes to crafting my own scenarios I tend to go with the three act model as this works really well for me and gives room for creation of sub-plots. This style also works if you decide to play a pulp based game and I cribbed plenty of advice from the Lester Dent Master Plot formula, if you haven’t seen it, it’s worth a read and I was able to use this advice to create a random pulp adventure generator. I’d like to share it with you all, but as it’s based upon a few commercial products I can’t as not only would it violate copyright, it could also hurt the sales of them.
International GM’s Day March Fo(u)rth for GM’s Day!

Today is International GM’s Day March Fo(u)rth for GM’s Day! The one day a year when we celebrate the people who take time to provide us all with an evening gaming.
It is also the anniversary of Gary Gygax’s passing and the birthday of a very good friend of mine who has run games for me in the past.
Perhaps I’ll surprise her with something geeky as I know she’ll love that 🙂