#RPGaDAY 24th: Most Complicated RPG Owned

When I started gaming I was all up for the complicated rule systems as I was a fan of the games as being as realistic as possible.
I was going to suggest Phoenix Command but that’s not a proper RPG rather a replacement combat system which leaves me to consider another candidate and I can’t really choose between either of them.
So I guess the most complicated games I own are Earthdawn and The Babylon Project.
On first glance the game appears to promise so much in the way of background; which it has in spades and a unique resolution system which is where it gets complicated. Trying to keep track of all the different values and the different die types is a real pain in the behind.
The Babylon Project.
I loved Babylon 5 and I when I heard of a licensed role-playing game I had to have it, the downside was that at the time it was only published in the US; luckily I was going on holiday to the US that year and tracked a copy down. The game has nine or ten stats and a very complicated combat system.
Earthdawn 4th Edition comes out next month (Player’s Guide first). They’re really streamlined the system, it looks REALLY good. http://www.fasagames.com
I think the Earthdawn ship has finally sailed for me, which is a pity because I liked the background