September 6

#RPGaDAY Day 15: Favourite Convention Game

The one convention game that sticks out in my head more than the others was the Feng Shui game we played at Killercon one year.  It was a pulp game very much in the style of Indiana Jones and the party was questing after a crystal skull before it fell into the hands of the Nazis.

The session was a resounding success as we stopped it from falling into enemy hands and the skull was given to my character to pass on to British intelligence; well that was the theory as it turns out that my character was a double agent working for the Nazis so at the end of the session I’d handed it over.

Oh well 🙂

September 4

#RPGaDAY Day 13: Most Memorable Character Death

I haven’t lost many characters recently and I am aware that we all lose PCs as we get used to learning a new game system; either through a trap or inexperience.

The most memorable for me would be when I lost my Werewolf character Slash of the Wendigo tribe in a ritual duel with a Black Spiral Dancer.  It was an epic fight during which both sides put down their weapons and allowed both pack leaders to duel one-on-one to determine the outcome of the fight.

Unfortunately Slash was fatally wounded in the combat  but the duel had bought enough time for our sides theurges to complete a binding ritual, so it was nothing more than a Pyrrhic victory for the Black Spiral Dancers.

Category: horror, RPG | LEAVE A COMMENT
August 31

#RPGaDAY Day 9: Favourite Die / Dice Set

As a gamer of three decades I have collected quite a number of dice of different sizes, styles, colours and manufacturers.  Trying to pick out a favourite is going to be a bit tricky so I’ll cheat a bit here and list my all time favourites rather than a specific die.

Single Dice:

My speckled Torg die is amazing and there were only available in the Torg boxed set. Later editions of the game swapped this speckled die for a regular D20.  I understand that these may have been manufactured by a company called the Armory as they did a similar looking set of dice called Torgish.  Unfortunately the company no longer makes dice and I was never able to track down a set.

Glow in the dark:

I have several glow in the dark six-sided dice.  One made by Koplow and the other by Flying Buffalo Inc .  The Flying Buffalo dice have a skull in place of the 1 on the die.


I have two sets that I’m fond of.  One of them are the all metal dice from I think Crystal Caste but I’m not sure.  The dice are heavy and appear to be biased or at least the D20 is certainly biased towards the upper end of the range; great for OGL D20 games, not so good for Pendragon.  I’d chalk this up to an anomaly if the fact that all three of the dice all exhibit this behaviour.

The other set is the Traveller 5th Edition dice set I received from the Kickstarter, in black, white, red and yellow with the numbers moulded into the material.