August 30

#RPGaDAY Day 8: Favourite character

This post is probably one of the easiest to write as in all my years of gaming one character stands out head and shoulders above them all: Garvine of Shadowdale.

Garvine was a second edition AD&D character created using the excellent Chronomancer source book.  This was back in the day when the game was awash with new character classes and  by TSR it was 100% official and it was a tricky thing for a dungeonmaster to turn down.  If you hadn’t already guessed the Chronomancer was a magic user who could manipulate time, so spells like Haste were available at second level rather than third.

One event irked the DM at the time, we had all fallen a long way down a shaft and while he was calculating falling damage I announced I was casting a spell which enabled me to cancel the previous game round; then as we were about to open the door again into the shaft I declared I had a bad feeling about the move and cast Feather Fall which caused us to descend to the bottom unharmed.

Armed with a Wand of Lightning, Oil of Impact and his battle cry of “swingy-swingy-clonk” before hitting his foes with a quarterstaff I had lots of fun playing him.  His partner in crime was Einar the one-eyed Viking warrior and together they had several exciting adventures.  When Garvine retired from play he was 12th level; I have never had a character reach such a high level since then.


Category: fantasy | LEAVE A COMMENT
August 30

#RPGaDAY Day 30: Rarest RPG Owned

I’ve got a few gems in my collection and trying to gauge rarity is a bit tricky as what I think is rare may be uncommon or the second hand game shops in your area is flooded with them.  On top of that you have to decide for yourself if I’m telling the truth or pulling your leg with a wild exaggeration.

I would say then that the one game I can really say is rare is Dune: Chronicles of the Imperium a limited print run of 2000 copies; most of which sold at GenCon, a few made it to the UK and a friend snapped his one up at GenCon UK.  My local games shop Leisure Games had brought a couple back from the US and that’s how I got my copy.

August 29

#RPGaDAY Day 7: Most “intellectual” RPG owned

I’ll confess that most of the games I own don’t deal with heavyweight matters or delve too deeply into the philosophical nature of existence so trying to come up with a game for this post is proving difficult.

The only one that comes to mind is the out of print game The Last Exodus by Synister Creative Systems.  I acquired my copy from a friend and while I haven’t given it the thorough  read through it deserves the game does deal with some interesting religious themes.

I doubt it will ever get played, just sit in a pile of books yearning to be read.

August 28

August 2014 Blog Carnival – Devious Dungeons



This months carnival is being hosted by Mind Weave Role-Playing Platform and they want to know about dungeons.

A confession.

In all my years of gaming the groups I have played in haven’t really done much in the way of dungeon crawling, our fantasy adventures tend to be wilderness or urban themed with the usual mixture of combat, problem solving, barge burning  and diplomacy.  That’s not to say we haven’t done them, they’re just a rarity.

The one dungeon that I do love more than all the others is the first one I ever ran in module B1: In Search of the Unknown; the Caverns of Quasqueton .

The great thing about the dungeon is that is had advice for a novice DM as well as letting you stock it yourself from the charts and tables in the back of the book.  These charts had treasures; both magical and mundane plus monsters appropriate to the level of the characters.  This ensured that although the general layout remained the same, you could never be sure what lurked in the next room.  On top of this there are several unexplained events so that the dungeon retains a magical quantity.

I found it the ideal starter dungeon and this is why I will come back to it time and again for the nostalgia and the happy memories of me running it.


Category: fantasy, RPG | LEAVE A COMMENT
August 28

#RPGaDAY Day 28: Scariest Game you’ve played

The scariest game I ever played in was the old Game Designers Workshop classic Dark Conspiracy 1st Edition.  A near future horror game involving all sorts of strange going ons but tied together with a relatively consistent background.

I vividly remember this one game session becoming more and more engrossed with the atmosphere being set by the GM that it became almost like being hypnotised; our collective consciousness focussing on his voice more and more until someone in the house banged a door which made us all jump out of our seats.

I’ve never experienced anything like that since.

Category: horror, RPG | LEAVE A COMMENT
August 27

#RPGaDAY Day 5: Most Old School RPG owned

The classic red box D&D is the most old school game I have.  This is the one that I really got to read and make my decisions about gaming.  Sure I had the AD&D players handbook but there were all sorts of other books required whereas the red box had it all in one package.

I even have the stub of crayon and dice that came in the box 🙂

Category: fantasy, RPG | LEAVE A COMMENT
August 27

#RPGaDAY Day 27: Game You’d like to see a new / improved edition of…

I’d love to see a second edition of Torg, there was a promised Torg 2.0 announced a while ago but that never materialised which is a great shame.

If I was to redo the game I’d probably look for a different resolution system but retain all the really cool stuff like the Drama Deck and possibility energies.  You could also tidy up some of the loose ends like ords which shouldn’t really be able to operate outside of their cosms and give the Possibility War  a proper ending.

It was one of those games of the period and I still love it after all these years.

I suppose you could reboot the game using FATE or even Savage Worlds but I don’t have the time or energy to do such a conversion.

August 26

#RPGaDAY Day 26: Coolest character sheet

For as long as I have gamed, there have been character sheets of varying qualities and rapid advancements in modern technology means it is very easy to grab a downloadable copy of a character sheet.  So I’m going to limit myself to official character sheets and the best looking sheet I ever saw for purchase could be found in the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay character pack.

This product contained fifty printed sheets on a pad with all the important stuff on it and a wonderful supplement that enabled you to create a background for the character by rolling on several charts.  A fun addition to the rather dry character creation process.


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