August 22

#RPGaDAY Day 22: Best Secondhand RPG Purchase

In the past I used to use eBay and a specialist dealer Second Games Galore to acquire games that I missed the first time around as well as scouring the dealers room at conventions.

I had to think long and hard about this post for today as to what would be my favourite purchase and out of all of the games its TORG by West End Games.  If you recall I mentioned this game in a previous post so have a look at it here:


August 22

#RPGaDAY Day 2: First RPG Gamemastered

The first game I ever decided to run was the red box edition of DND with a group of friends who got me involved with gaming in the first place.

I sat down with them and ran them through the classic dungeon module B1, In Search of the unknown. I can’t really recall if it was a success or a failure but I know that I made a fair few mistakes that day and endeavoured to learn from them.

Funnily enough, when I started gaming again on Skype, I decided to use this very module as an introduction for them as well as using some of the classic names for the example player characters 🙂

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August 21

#RPGaDAY Day 21: Favourite Licensed RPG

In my collection I have several games that may fit into this category and trying to pick one has been a bit of a nightmare.  For some Star Wars seems to fill this niche, for others it is Serenity.

There is only really one game that I was happy to see licensed and that is that awesome Ghostbusters RPG. A very simple rules light system coupled with some really awesome adventures and you all play Ghostbusters!  The published adventures were a hoot to play and packed full of the atmosphere of the first movie.

I think it’s a real shame that such a gem of a game is long out of print although there is a spiritual successor in the form of InSperctres.  There used to be a homepage for this game but it looks like it has vanished, rpgnow looks like the only place to get the game these days.



August 20

#RPGaDAY Day 1: First RPG Played

We all remember the first game we sat down to play with friends and the memory of that day is still as fresh in my mind as the last time I played.

A friend of mine had offered to run AD&D and after acquiring a copy of the Players Handbook from a nearby game store for the price of £11.95 I spent the Saturday afternoon devouring the contents of this strange hardback book.

My very first character was a cleric of some-sort, I can’t really remember much more than that aside from the fact I had a neat miniature to represent him now and through his later careers.

It was a great time to sit down with people I knew, one or two friends, an acquaintance and someone who just didn’t like me for some reason.  We spent an enjoyable afternoon scrabbling around some castle fighting goblins I think until the guy who didn’t like me decided to stab me.

Yes, you did read that correctly, he stabbed ME not my character, specifically he drove his sharpened pencil into my shin which smarted somewhat.  So I moved places away from this unstable idiot and the session broke down shortly after that.

As I was getting my things to go, I noticed my miniature had been taken from my bag and after a few minutes I was able to find it and slipped out the front door shortly afterwards.

From that day I was hooked and decided to play as often as I could.



August 19

#RPGaDAY Day 19: Favourite Published Adventure

This is without a doubt Power Behind the Throne for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.

The whole thing is a wonderfully crafted adventure with multiple NPCS, plot threads and there is still room to fit in your own material into the narrative.  I got a real kick out of running it although some of the threads introduced here aren’t tied up in the later chapters of The Enemy Within campaign.

The Hogshead publishing edition also added a linking adventure involving an incendiary incident with a river barge 🙂

August 18

#RPGaDAY Day 18: Favorite game system

Over the decades I’ve played with a good many systems and so picking one as a favorite is going to be tricky.

I guess my favourite system at this time would be FATE as it gives the players a chance to drive the story.

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August 18


David F Chapman came up with the great idea of having people discuss role-playing games each day during the month of August.

I know I’m a little late to the party as I was on holiday for the first couple of weeks but I’m going to try and catch up.

I’ll start the ball rolling later tonight.

1st – First RPG Played
2nd – First RPG Gamemastered
3rd – First RPG Purchased
4th – Most recent RPG purchase
5th – Most Old School RPG owned
6th – Favourite RPG Never get to play
7th – Most “intellectual” RPG owned
8th – Favourite character
9th – Favourite Die / Dice Set
10th – Favourite tie-in Novel / Game Fiction
11th – Weirdest RPG owned
12th – Old RPG you still play / read
13th – Most Memorable Character Death

14th – Best Convention Purchase
15th – Favourite Convention Game
16th – Game you wish you owned
17th – Funniest Game you’ve played

18th – Favourite Game System
19th – Favourite Published Adventure
20th – Will still play in 20 years time…
21st – Favourite Licensed RPG
22nd – Best Secondhand RPG Purchase
23rd – Coolest looking RPG product / book
24th – Most Complicated RPG Owned
25th – Favourite RPG no one else wants to play
26th – Coolest character sheet
27th – Game You’d like to see a new / improved edition of…
28th – Scariest Game you’ve played
29th – Most memorable encounter
30th – Rarest RPG Owned
31st – Favourite RPG of all time


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August 7

Gaming on holiday

I’m currently out of the country visiting friends and looking around.

Normally I used to hunt out games shops to see what games I could find and bring back home to play.

These days I also like to find historic sites to look around and photograph so I have interesting locations to show my players.

I remember photographing an industrial estate in Boston and using that for all sorts of location shots for a Conspiracy X game.

On this trip I found an incredible site to loon around; Citadel Hill in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Here is an eight pointed star fort with renactors and guided tours. I may not set a game here but at least you have an idea of how the Victorian era British army defended their territory  and may be used in a Space 1889 game.

Once home I’m going to blog again, so hope to see you in a week or so.

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July 14

Top 10 RPG list – number 4 All Flesh Must Be Eaten.

Since the first time I saw the ground-breaking Evil Dead movie I have been fascinated with zombies. I was still at school when this banned video nasty appeared and became the hot film to see. I can’t remember how I saw it but I recall it left a very strong impression on my imagination. Years later I got around to seeing the classic film of the genre, George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead. While Night lacked the gore of Evil Dead it appealed to me more as the group of people trapped in the farmhouse gives you an insight into what it means to be human and how far would you go to survive.

You could say at that point I was hooked and wanted to try some zombie survival horror gaming but a lack of systems and support for the genre made it a tricky prospect. I had tried beforehand using Call of Cthulhu but I was ultimately disappointed by the end results; CoC is a fantastic system but it didn’t handle things the way I wanted. I even tried using Palladium’s Beyond The Supernatural and this did work better but ultimately I was still unfulfilled.

I remember seeing an advert for All Flesh Must Be Eaten (AFMBE) and I tracked down a copy of the first printing. This piqued my interest as this was probably the first specifically themed zombie based RPG. So I ordered a copy from my FLGS and what I saw impressed me.

The main book is a somewhat unusual size, a smaller edition that a standard game-book with all the rules to play  within this one self contained volume; including yet another copy of the Unisystem rules. In my opinion Eden Studios could just publish the Unisystem rule in a single book and release source books that still tie into the setting, something similar to the Savage Worlds books.

Once inside the book presents you  with some background fiction which helps set the tone and a brief history of the genre including a discussion of the zombie.

Character creation is fairly detailed and flexible using a point buy system so you can get the sort of survivor you want to play. These points vary depending on whether your character is a “survivor”, “norm” or “enlightened” plus there are also a few archetypes for you to pick up and play with. To round things off there are also a selection of advantages and disadvantages. As this is classic Unisystem there are a number of skills available for selection including the combat skills but also some unusual ones; like Beautician for example.

The mechanics are solid, Unisystem uses a single D10 for resolution and add the result  to stat + skill and if the total is nine or more you succeed. Depending on the final total, different success levels are obtained and this can help by allowing you to accomplish tasks faster or deal more damage in combat.

There is also the obligatory chapter with a short list of equipment and weapons to purchase or acquire, although basic it does cover the bases needed to get up and running.

Zombie Masters Section.

The real meat of the game can be found in the game masters section along with the zombie creation rules are the various campaign settings you can play with called rather amusingly: Deadworlds.

Anatomy of a zombie.

This chapter details how to create the zombies that will plague the players, from various weak spots to special abilities; you can design them all. Whether you want the run of the mill shambling mindless flesh eater to some of the exotic zombies from popular video games it’s all here.


Each Deadworld has a write-up and explains what sort of undead can be encountered along with their weaknesses and powers. The standard Romero Deadworld is here with one or two unusual ideas about how the infection spreads; if you’re bored with being bitten then you can have the infection spread as an STI.

For my current campaign I had the players select from the characters in the excellent starter adventure Coffee Break Of The Living Dead, as I wanted to get the game up and running with a minimum of fuss.

Since the success of AFMBE several other games have appeared on the market. I would list them here but I haven’t really had a good chance to read through them all yet.


Honourable mention:

War of the Dead.

Billed as a campaign epic for Savage Worlds and published by Daring Entertainment it certainly has a lot of meat on the bones. Each chapter is designed to be an evening entertainment and there are thirteen or so chapters to each of the four volumes in the series you have a years’ worth of play ready to go. It shouldn’t take much work to create the various characters in AFMBE and that’s what I plan to do at some point.


If you have a favourite game then why not leave a comment below and I’ll check it out.